V roce 2012 se součástí Nakladatelství Slovart stalo nakladatelství Brio. Nakladatelství Brio vydávalo ve spolupráci s předními spisovateli a výtvarníky nádherně ilustrované originální příběhy a sbírky pohádek pro děti od šesti do dvanácti let. Pro starší děti, mládež a dospělé Brio nabízelo sebrané spisy pohádek a bajek od renomovaných spisovatelů, doplněné o to nejlepší z klasické literatury celého světa. V této tradici pokračujeme také my v rámci stejnojmenné edice.

Jsme výhradní distributor nakladatelství TASCHEN pro Českou republiku

Joel Meyerowitz: How I Make Photographs

Joel Meyerowitz: How I Make Photographs
Internetová cena: 423,00 Kč Nejnižší cena za posledních 30 dní
Běžná cena: 529,00 Kč
Zboží není skladem
Jazyk: anglicky
Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 128
Formát: 14,6 x 19,9 cm
ISBN/EAN: 9781786275806
Nakladatel: Laurence King
Rok vydání: 2020
Edice: Fotografie všeobecně / Fotografie a film

The 'Masters of Photography' series is a new approach to photography how-to. Each volume is dedicated to the work of one key photographer who, through a series of bite-sized lessons and ideas, tells you everything you always wanted to know about their approach to taking photographs. From their influences, ideas and experiences, to tech tips and best shots.

The series begins with Joel Meyerowitz, who will teach you, among other essentials: how to use a camera to reclaim the streets as your own, why you need to watch the world always with a sense of possibility, how to set your subjects at ease, and the importance of being playful and of finding a lens that suits your personality.

Praise for Joel Meyerowitz’s retrospective, Where I Find Myself:
"So let me say it plainly: Joel Meyerowitz's Where I Find Myself is a compelling, wonderful, deeply pleasing collection of an essential photographer's work. [it] is a necessary book. Necessary because of its size and scope. Necessary because of the way it holds the aesthetic of the artist in the air." LensCulture

"More than just a career retrospective, Meyerowitz's book is a personal celebration of photography as an art form." Publishers Weekly

"After over half a century of making pictures, Meyerowitz is noted as one of the most influential photographers living today. A new book titled Joel Meyerowitz's Where I Find Myself brings together his tremendous archive to create a portrait of not only America during the 20th and early 21st centuries, but also a prolific artist with a lifetime of groundbreaking work." BuzzFeed

"Joel Meyerowitz's Where I Find Myself is a pièce de résistance, a masterful feat of publishing that sets the bar as high as it can possibly reach. The photographer's magnum opus opens in the present day, with his most recent body of work and unfolds in reverse chronological order, leading us through a spellbinding life in photography that is simply unparalleled." Feature Shoot

"After 40 years Meyerowitz continues to entice and enthrall with a consistency of vision that reshapes subject matter in his own light. If you are a fan of Meyerowitz's work and especially of Cape Light, this lifetime retrospective will be a treasured addition." New York Journal of Books

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