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Rooms of Wonder

 Step Inside this Magical Colouring Book

Rooms of Wonder
Internetová cena: 359,00 Kč Nejnižší cena za posledních 30 dní
Běžná cena: 449,00 Kč
Skladem (2 ks)
Počet kusů:
Jazyk: anglicky
Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 80
Formát: 25 x 25 cm
ISBN/EAN: 9781529148305
Nakladatel: Ebury
Rok vydání: 2022
Edice: Antistresové omalovánky / Antistresové omalovánky

From bestselling author Johanna Basford, a stunning new colouring book that invites artists to explore the great indoors

Through her bestselling colouring books and distinctive illustrations, Johanna Basford's beautiful forests, ocean depths, and hidden magical kingdoms have enchanted millions of people around the world. In this newest work, Basford takes her audience indoors, inviting them to explore the wonders of the worlds within.

Hidden within every illustration in
Rooms of Wonder is a secret key and a locked door. Find the key, unlock the door and continue to the next room. Discover a busy craft studio, a wizard's workshop, a mouth-watering ice cream parlour and an opulent banquet hall. With hidden treasures, curious spaces and a few enchanted interiors, all you need to do is unlock the first door and begin your magical journey.

About the Author

Johanna Basford is an illustrator and ink evangelist who prefers pens and pencils to pixels. Her intricate, hand-drawn illustrations are loved the world over by those who have coloured in (sometimes more than once) her bestselling books Rooms of Wonder, How to Draw Inky Wonderlands, World of Flowers, Ivy and the Inky Butterfly, Johanna's Christmas, Magical Jungle, Lost Ocean, Enchanted Forest and Secret Garden. Johanna is a graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee, Scotland. She likes sugar mice, floral teacups, peonies, and bumblebees.

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Další knihy od tohoto autora

Small Victories: A Colouring Book of Little Wins and Miniature Masterpieces Secret Garden Secret Garden: Three Mini Journals Johanna Basford's Secret Garden Journal Enchanted Forest: 12 Colour-in Notecards Lost Ocean: An Inky Adventure & Colouring Book (bazar) Enchanted Forest (Artist's Edition) Secret Garden: 20 Postcards Lost Ocean: An Inky Adventure & Colouring Book Secret Garden: 12 Notecards Secret Garden Artist's Edition: A Pull-Out and Frame Colouring Book Enchanted Forest: 20 Postcards Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest and Colouring Book Secret Garden


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