V roce 2012 se součástí Nakladatelství Slovart stalo nakladatelství Brio. Nakladatelství Brio vydávalo ve spolupráci s předními spisovateli a výtvarníky nádherně ilustrované originální příběhy a sbírky pohádek pro děti od šesti do dvanácti let. Pro starší děti, mládež a dospělé Brio nabízelo sebrané spisy pohádek a bajek od renomovaných spisovatelů, doplněné o to nejlepší z klasické literatury celého světa. V této tradici pokračujeme také my v rámci stejnojmenné edice.

Jsme výhradní distributor nakladatelství TASCHEN pro Českou republiku

Earth & Fire: Modern potters, their tools, techniques and practices

Earth & Fire: Modern potters, their tools, techniques and practices
Internetová cena: 1 032,00 Kč Nejnižší cena za posledních 30 dní
Běžná cena: 1 290,00 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)
Počet kusů:
Jazyk: anglicky
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 272
Formát: 23,7 x 27,7 cm
ISBN/EAN: 9781760763527
Nakladatel: Thames & Hudson
Rok vydání: 2023
Edice: Současné výtvarné umění / Výtvarné umění

From clay to kiln and all the techniques in-between, this book is an exploration into the techniques and processes of over forty-five working ceramicists.

Earth and fire represent the two elements that produce a ceramic object. Without the other they are simply components; together they create both practical objects and pieces of art. Working as both primer and inspiration,
Earth & Fire explores the techniques, practices and tools of over forty-five working ceramicists.

Creating everything from wood-fired and fine porcelain wares; sculptured vases; everyday cups, bowls, and plates; to jewelry and wall pieces, these artists work in a wide range of styles and mediums to create their ceramics. Although the methods vary, the overall sentiment is that the earth and fire that the artists use to make their objects are the ultimate masters. Just when they think they know one thing, the clay, glaze and heat will teach them another. There will always be more to learn. Working with clay is, quite simply, humbling.

Written and compiled by Kylie Johnson and Tiffany Johnson,
Earth & Fire captures the diverse beauty and utility of ceramics, demonstrating that clay doesn’t just get under your fingernails: it gets under your skin.

About the Author

Kylie Johnson is a Brisbane-based ceramic artist, gallery owner, and writer. Over the past ten years, she has curated more than fifteen exhibitions of both Australian and Japanese artists in her studio space. Kylie has published two books of poetry and a collection of quotes from her ceramic work. Tiffany Johnson has spent her professional life in book production and publishing for over twenty years. During the same period she has been by her sister Kylie Johnson’s side, working on paper boat press ceramic exhibitions and projects.

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