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The Little Book of Wonder Woman

The Little Book of Wonder Woman
Internetová cena: 232,00 Kč Nejnižší cena za posledních 30 dní
Běžná cena: 290,00 Kč
Skladem (2 ks)
Počet kusů:
Jazyk: anglicky, německy, francouzsky
Vazba: tvrdá
Počet stran: 192
Formát: 11,9 x 16,6 cm
ISBN/EAN: 9783836520157
Nakladatel: Taschen
Rok vydání: 2015
Edice: Klasický komiks / Komiks

Debuting in All Star Comics No. 8 in December 1941, the warrior Amazon Princess is a feminist icon whose strength is equaled by her empathy and compassion. Appearing in comic books, newspaper strips, and TV shows for almost 75 years, Wonder Woman stands as a towering figure in pop culture, and a role model in her fight for justice, love, peace, and gender equality. Her creator, William Moulton Marston, said she was as beautiful as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena, as fast as Mercury, and as strong as Hercules—but she’s all that and more! With 192 pages of the greatest Wonder Woman images and text by Paul Levitz, author of the Eisner Award–winning 75 Years of DC Comics, The Little Book of Wonder Woman is your definitive guide to the most popular female comic-book Super Hero of all time.

All DC characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s15)

The author

Paul Levitz is a comic book fan who has worked as editor/publisher of The Comic Reader, editor of the Batman titles and others, writer of more than 300 stories—including an acclaimed run on Legion of Super-Heroes—and a DC Comics executive, finishing his 38-year stint with the company as President and Publisher. He returned to writing in 2010 with a new series of Legion stories and other projects.

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